The Sharing of Us

I started this blog two years ago, and I wrote a memoir published in April. I have been sharing my words, stories, and feeling, and it has helped me to heal.

Now I ask you, dear readers and inhabitants of the world, to share your stories. Share your stories of loss, survival, healing, and renewal.

The human experience can be a tough one, and I believe that sharing who we are and what we’ve been through, when we are ready and the time is right, can be both cathartic and therapeutic for ourselves and others.

Please use the comment section of this blog: or go to my website:  and share your experiences wherever and whenever you feel comfortable.

Your stories will resonate with some readers, agitate others (perhaps into awareness and/or action), and heal yet others. All serious and authentic shares will be treated with the utmost respect that they deserve.

What or who have you lost? How are you dealing with it? Is there a question you want to ask of others or an insight you would like to share?

Thank you for your bravery. This is not an exercise for the faint of heart or the weak of spirit.

About wendykarasin

I am complicated and seeking - joy and sorrow, country and city, competition and cooperation. After behavior of a gregarious nature, I require down time to refuel. My loves are children, family, friends, reading, writing, blogging, fitness, and health. I feel most alive when I stay true to my core values. Beauty makes me happy, pain helps me grow.
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6 Responses to The Sharing of Us

  1. I don’t believe in coincidence, or if I do, I think it’s God’s middle name. Your post comes at a time when I’m experiencing an awakening in life, a renewal–mentally, physically, spiritually. Hitting the 6-0 mark sent me into a tailspin; suddenly, a future I hadn’t thought about in relation to me, personally, tripped me up. I fell, hard. I experienced severe anxiety issues as I contemplated joining a segment of the population that is largely ignored, as if they have nothing further to offer. Think I’m imagining this? Pay attention to the commercials on TV; ‘seniors’ are portrayed as little better than backward children–worse, because, as adults, there is the underlying perception that we should be able to control ourselves better. I ended up on medication; some days were so bad that I couldn’t leave the house. I ceased to function, stumbling through my days in a drugged haze. Two and a half years later, my dosages were finally stabilized to the point where I became more or less myself again.

    What turned me around? A loving, caring friend, who couldn’t stand to see me sleep-walking through my life. Ripped my eyelids off and held up a mirror of reality, made me see myself, and own all of it. From then on, things changed. Today, as I write this, I feel more alive than I ever have, and it spills over into every aspect of my being. My life is far from finished! I am setting goals, preparing myself mentally and physically to achieve success. I have no illusions–it won’t be easy, but anything worth having is worth working hard for. One of those goals is to get myself off my anxiety medications, and, with my doctor’s approval, I am already taking steps in that direction, stepping them down a little at a time.

    Change is a constant in life; if you find yourself in a rut, don’t furnish it! Don’t get comfortable there! Have the courage to step outside the box–better yet, blow the lid right off! If sharing this helps even one person re-evaluate their situation, take steps to change it, then it will have been worth it. Peace, love and light to you all! ❤

    • wendykarasin says:

      Thank you so much for this share. How many of us baby boomers are going around with all sorts of thoughts about aging, marriage, health, children, friends, (insert the blank) and isolating because of it. We are in transition, and there is so more to accomplish! Allowing time to process what is happening, and sharing with people who care and can be helpful, is essential. I am so proud of you for sharing your pain and for taking the steps toward your own health and well-being. Brava!

      • Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness–it’s an indication of strength. And many women (myself included) feel we have to ‘keep it all inside.’ That does more harm than good, and can manifest in additional health problems. Don’t be afraid of speaking up….or confiding in a friend. They’re waiting to help–not with criticism, but with love. Take a leap of faith!

  2. wendykarasin says:

    Some friends, yes. I agree that we tend to view vulnerability as a weakness, not a strength. But it was when I was able to be vulnerable, with the loss of both parents, that I found a strength in myself that I never knew existed. It fortified me, not in an angry arrogant way, but in a serene, loving way. It changed me, entirely.

  3. brendamarroy says:

    Thank you for the lovely invitation, Wendy. My blog, Streams of Consciousness, which I have been writing for 4 1/2 years is about my soul evolution journey. It is filled with stories of my ups, downs, and in-betweens, mountain top and valley experiences, losses and gains, and the uncovering of my shadow self.

    I have sooooo many stories of the journey that I find it hard to focus on one to share here. May I invite you and your readers who are interested in reading memoir material on the soul journey to check out my blog?

    I always enjoy your posts ! ❤

  4. wendykarasin says:

    You certainly may – we are all here to share and promote one another. and assist growth. Thank you for sharing this information, Brenda.

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