Balboa, Bout Three

This isn’t a bout, but it’s a catchy title if you’ve been with me through Bouts I and II. Things are rolling out Red Carpet style, minus the fanfare and, as of yet, the red carpet.

An author’s copy has been mailed to me so that I can check (not for typos and grammar, we are thankfully past that) for errors like printed lines that are not straight and areas that might contain excessive ink blotches. They are unlikely.

I am receiving emails from Balboa like a computer spitting forth in a haywire fashion. Many departments, many people, many attachments. I must take time to breath, deeply, as I am quite excited, but need to maintain focus in order to answer the unending cascade of questions about press releases, book marketing strategies, and publicity considerations both general and specific.

It is said that creative people are not business-minded people. Yet, in the brave new world of self, indie and hybrid publishing, we need to be. Exercising that muscle, for me—is uncomfortable. But I will not give up. What a waste that would be.

Discomfort is often nothing more than a lack of familiarity and expertise. Sometimes it is just the back talk of our brains. If we are capable of learning, and have had successes to fall back on, we can master this. Daunting as it may feel.

The challenges we face and the time we spend figuring out their solutions, are well worth the effort. They elevate our next starting point.

I learned through the experience with my parents that I can do and manage that which I would not have thought possible. It is poetic justice that the launching of this book would require me to continue working outside my comfort zone and grow further. My parents would have expected it. It could well have been their parting goal and gift. Although really, this desire to grow and expand has lasted a lifetime.

Thank you Mom and Dad. This book is on its way to the world. A tribute to you both. I hope you feel proud.

I know I do.

About wendykarasin

I am complicated and seeking - joy and sorrow, country and city, competition and cooperation. After behavior of a gregarious nature, I require down time to refuel. My loves are children, family, friends, reading, writing, blogging, fitness, and health. I feel most alive when I stay true to my core values. Beauty makes me happy, pain helps me grow.
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4 Responses to Balboa, Bout Three

  1. Oh my goodness! It’s really culminating into the most exciting release! I will be in NYC from May 27 thru the 31st only. I hope there’s snorting I can attend?

    • wendykarasin says:

      Not sure about that yet, but I’ll keep you posted. You will (eventually) be able to grab a copy and I’d love to hear your comments. Reviews too! Congrats on your son’s graduation.

  2. Congratulations, Wendy! In spite of all the obstacles you stuck to it, persevered, and now….you’ve reached the finish line. Well, one of them, anyway! There’s still work ahead but the main goal–publishing your book–is behind you. I know it will find a receptive audience; you write with such heart, on a very relatable subject. Anyone who has lost their parents, or any loved one, will find a home in your words. I wish you much success, my friend. ❤

    • wendykarasin says:

      Thank you, Celia! It is amazing to think this is really happening. It’s always been something to do. Now it will be something I’ve done. I held the book in my hand yesterday, the thrill is beyond words. Still some work, as you say, but the finish line is near.

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