Holiday Mania!

Before the week leaves me in the dust wondering where it flew, I wanted to get a few thoughts down on paper, uh, a few keystrokes down on WordPress. Next week is Easter and Passover and the time of year my mom died, four years ago. I will light her yahrzeit candle Wednesday 4/16 – as a reminder of all things Mom. Thoughts of my parents have become less painful as time meanders forward, now I’m more likely to feel pleasure, joy, a sense of pride.

It’s a busy time of year made busier by the fact (can you believe) that I am having my first seder in my home. The cousin whose job it is to have it, had a grandchild and is too distracted to deal. I don’t blame her but it left me in a proverbial pickle. We do celebrate Passover. So, next Monday, I shall have twelve people here for what is arguably the most difficult holiday to prepare for. It is specific, hagaddah (story) driven and particular foods must be presented. 

In 2010, my sons and I brought the Passover meal to the hospice my mom occupied, as she sat quietly, unconsciously, listing starboard on a bed with side-rails. She died the following day but she gave me the opportunity to perform a mitzvah (good deed) by carrying forth a tradition thousands of years old and one that mattered greatly to her. So if you’re watching Mom, we’re having a seder, here, and you’re invited. You too, Dad. 

About wendykarasin

I am complicated and seeking - joy and sorrow, country and city, competition and cooperation. After behavior of a gregarious nature, I require down time to refuel. My loves are children, family, friends, reading, writing, blogging, fitness, and health. I feel most alive when I stay true to my core values. Beauty makes me happy, pain helps me grow.
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4 Responses to Holiday Mania!

  1. Tender and touching. I know your Mom and Dad will be with you as you celebrate.

  2. I shed tears over this – – it was exquisitely beautiful. The last three words really got to me. I lost my father and can’t seem to move past the grief. On a brighter note — SEE??….I knew we had tons in common. I’m also gearing up for Pesach but I assign all the difficult tasks to other people! That’s a hostess’ prerogative after cleaning her house from top to bottom! 😉 Really nice job on this, Wendy. And I am so very sorry for your loss.

  3. wendykarasin says:

    Yes, it’s a kind of sadness and pain that doesn’t quite end, but eases. Over time, and don’t let anyone tell you how much time. I’m glad it touched you and we do seem to have much in common. Have a sweet and happy Passover, Stephanie and one of these days we’ll talk more about our Dads.

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