Journey To Publish: Meaning From Beyond

Dinner is a gastronomic delight. We are relaxed and happy. Massages and facials can do that. So can hanging out with a dear, long time friend. As we walk past the pub where jazz guitarists play soul stirring music, we notice a large poster leaning, slightly tilted, against an easel on the south side of the building. We tacitly agree to wander in that direction and read the board’s contents. A Reiki Master healer and Medium will be at the spa, for one day only, tomorrow.

Norwich Inn, Healing

“Hmmm, what do you think?” I ask, turning to face Beth.

“I don’t know, looks interesting.”

“Could be a sign, on the other hand, we know nothing about her. She could be a fraud.” Both our parents are dead, grandparents, aunts and uncles, a medium has some pull for us.

We head downstairs to the spa for further information. The young woman behind the desk is a veritable fountain of data and a great sales person. We become so involved in her story that by the end of the conversation, we both have appointments. Mine is at 9:30, Beth’s is at 10:30. We set our phone alarms to wake early, so we can have breakfast and pack before our morning appointments.

Breakfast is simple, poached eggs and toast. We go back to our room to begin packing but I leave for my appointment soon after. I can finish when Beth has hers. I feel nervous, anticipatory, excited…will she make contact? Won’t she? I wait in a comfy chair by the pool with three other patrons. They get called, one by one, and I am alone. Moments later Nansi appears.


“Yes.” I stand as we head through a door and she says, can you believe…

“Third door on the left.” I smile. This is the third time in three days that I have been summoned to the third door on the left.

“How do you feel?” she asks.


“Just relax, it’s going to be fine.” She explains how the session will proceed, along with her Reiki and Mediumship skills and we begin. I lie on the massage table, under a white sheet. She begins by holding my feet. She giggles, telling me my parents are coming through as a unit, a united heart.

“They were divorced you know,” I say, in response to them being here together.

“Your father was regal, wasn’t he?” she asks.


“He is also charming and funny. They want you to stop worrying, to live  joyfully and fearlessly, to remember the beautiful soul you are.” My Grandpa Joe comes through strongly for my writing and my healing. He was always a proponent of my writing, as far back as my young teens. Grandma Sarah came through to say when I cook for the holidays (she was a master chef) they are there with me.

Nansi said I was psychic, she could feel it. My upper chakras were clear and strong, but the muck in my lower chakras (abdomen) was keeping the energy stuck. She told me to go back to meditating  because spirit wanted to communicate with me directly, but I had to clear my mind (write everything down she said)  and sit quietly for 10-15 minutes. “Don’t use your TM mantra anymore, it’s too old and no longer serves you. Picture the waves of the ocean rushing toward the shore on your inhale and back out to sea on your exhale. Let go of fear and doubt. Find what makes you happy.”  She asked about my boyfriend, “Is he regal too?” Shaking my head affirmatively, she told me my dad likes him and gives his  approval. She suggested I self publish my book (this coming from the spirits who I wrote the book about and for) and to do more yoga, because the deep breathing is good for me. “And write.”


Universal lessons that require continual reminding: accept yourself and be true to your values, enjoy life, let go of the burdens from the past, open your heart and listen to the messages from beyond. All in all, not a bad Wednesday.

About wendykarasin

I am complicated and seeking - joy and sorrow, country and city, competition and cooperation. After behavior of a gregarious nature, I require down time to refuel. My loves are children, family, friends, reading, writing, blogging, fitness, and health. I feel most alive when I stay true to my core values. Beauty makes me happy, pain helps me grow.
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2 Responses to Journey To Publish: Meaning From Beyond

  1. Beth Kovar says:

    I am Wendy’s friend, Beth, who spent 2 nights and 3 days at this wonderful Inn & Spa to celebrate many decades (we won’t say how many) of friendship. Due to the move and subsequent death of my mother who lived in New York, we have been unable to see each other as often as we used to. Being able to spend in depth time together, enjoying spa treatments, whirlpool baths, pool time, delicious food, and of course time to talk face to face, heart to heart was a soul treatment in itself. Wendy’s family became my second family growing up. How special that she and I could create and celebrate this wonderful friendship by spending this quality time together. I love you Wendy!

  2. wendykarasin says:

    And I love you, Beth. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful thoughts!

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